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Attended Cars and Coffee with the Dutch Jaguar Daimler Club in my XJR

Attended Cars and Coffee with the Dutch Jaguar Daimler Club in my XJR

This being an official Jaguar Daimler event, the number of corduroy trousers was, as expected, unusually high.

BHPian Jeroen recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Finally making some progress with the illustrious P1646 code. I can tell it is leaving a big mark on the Jaguar online community. People are up in arms, positions are taken, and coalitions are forged. Is the Jaguar documentation correct or not? I have had two guys suggest to replace the ECU.

Even, though I hate to admit it, the official Jaguar procedure, after I did about 14 different diagnostic tests, suggested replacing the ECU.

Those who follow my posts on TeamBHP will know that I don’t take people suggesting to replace ECU seriously. Never have, never will. I spit on them because, in my, admittedly very limited, experience, it is extremely rare for any ECU to cause real issues. It is almost always something else. The real key is having a real understanding of what goes on and having the ability to perform the correct diagnostics.

With the help of the ever-pragmatic super Jaguar X308 Specialist Raymond, I might be honing in on the solution. More to come, when the problem is solved.

Just a short recap of my Coffee and Cars Morning with the Dutch Jaguar Daimler club.

The format is very simple. You rock up at some place around 10.30 on a Sunday morning. There is coffee and cake. And you talk cars with the other members. Very pleasant, very relaxing, and always interesting to meet some new folks, here some new stories, and so on. This being an official Jaguar Daimler event, the number of corduroy trousers was, as expected, unusually high.

The Jaguar Daimler Club is for all Jaguars and Daimlers, new and old alike

Attended Cars and Coffee with the Dutch Jaguar Daimler Club in my XJR

Nice lineup. Spot my XJR

No matter what, this is a good and impressive rear-looking car!!

In case you did not spot my XJR, here it is


This one was a bit the odd one out. The owner had some Jags too, but decided to drive down in the Healy. He did have a very nice pair of corduroy trousers on, so it was ok.

As you would expect at these sorts of events. A lot of hoods were opened, and engines were shown off and discussed.

This is the engine of an XJ, similar to Peter’s XJ. Except it’s a European version and Peter’s is a USA version. Which comes with a whole lot more plumbing!! Sometimes we think all this emission crap is something from the last years/decades, but Peter’s XJ is well over 50 years old and had to have a bunch of stuff installed to meet Californian emission regulations!!

In all honesty, I am not sure which or what company was hosting the event. Apparently, the guy is both an appraiser as well as an agent selling and finding classic cars for people. This is sort of his shop.

Nice pleasant event.


Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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