There’s a strange feel about today’s planetary positions which, as far as you are concerned, brings your best chance of a bit of peace and quiet, always important to restore your battered morale at the end of the week. Could some long-lost memory be emerging from your past? I think so.
Now that you’ve turned the corner, leaving a whole phase of life behind, you will soon have a better idea of what you’re doing, why you’re doing it and where it’s all leading to. In general, today’s mixture of passion and realism suits you, so why not stop struggling and accept that the world is on your side?
GEMINI HOROSCOPE TODAY: re-charge your batteries
From a close examination of the stars, it appears that you’ve little to fear from threatened confrontations or crises and everything to look forward to in terms of rest, relaxation and a chance to re-charge your batteries. In spite of everything, I am sure you will return fitter than ever.
CANCER HOROSCOPE TODAY: treat friends more sensitively
Sympathetic signs from the Moon for most of the day encourage you to treat friends more sensitively, although you may be too wrapped up in your own hopes and fears to take other people seriously. They also, by the way, encourage you to spend more money!
LEO HOROSCOPE TODAY: you should manage to get your own way
Mars, the most energetic of all the planets, continues to give a cutting edge to events around you which is stimulating but may be rather dangerous emotionally. With luck you should manage to get your own way, especially if you’re dealing with family matters.
VIRGO HOROSCOPE TODAY: organise your affairs properly
After all you’ve been through, you’re now looking forward to the time when life will at last be more restful. Part of the difficulty lies in your failure to organise your affairs properly. And that’s a problem which dates back well into last year, to when conditions were different.
LIBRA HOROSCOPE TODAY: you’ll earn the love
At last you’re standing up for yourself, and an issue which has caused a certain amount of angst in family circles should be close to a solution. Do what you can to help the healing process on its way, and you’ll earn the love and respect of your peers in the process.
SCORPIO HOROSCOPE TODAY: gentle persuasion works much better
You can be justly pleased with your progress, but don’t expect other people to praise you unduly. There are those who disagree profoundly with what you have done as well as your way of doing it. You have probably learnt by now that gentle persuasion works much better than banging heads together.
SAGITTARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: you’re growing tired of waiting
Whether the future continues along positive lines is largely up to you. No two of you will have used your skills, opportunities and experience in exactly the same way. It won’t be long before the tide really starts to turn in your direction, although I suspect that you’re growing tired of waiting.
CAPRICORN HOROSCOPE TODAY: you are being too secretive
Venus is the traditional ruler of emotional relationships, and its position in your chart in recent weeks has indicated a tendency to be too secretive in this department. There may be something a partner should know. But should you tell them? You can, but you’ll have to sugar the pill.
AQUARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: you’re not exactly sitting on your hands
Important decisions lie ahead as far as your professional status is concerned, but there may be other ambitions about which choices will have to be made fairly soon. A partner may be moving too fast for your liking. On the other hand, you’re not exactly sitting on your hands.
PISCES HOROSCOPE TODAY: pursue your enquiries
This is a time to focus on your spiritual interests. You’re not one to preach or proselytise, and you’ll benefit most if you pursue your enquiries behind the scenes and without attracting attention. Enlightenment is really not so far away! And, in love, enjoy your fantasies.