Home CINEMA Double Engine Sarkar vs Double Century Sarkar

Double Engine Sarkar vs Double Century Sarkar

In roughly 40 days from today, Andhra Pradesh will be completely gripped by the polls fever as the polling is set to be held on May 13. The political permutations and combinations have been finalized as YCP is going along while Telugu Desam, Janasena and BJP are coming together.

On one hand, we have the BJP which is calling for a double-engine sarkar in Andhra Pradesh. The party representatives are saying no matter which party forms the government in Andhra Pradesh, they need the support of the BJP-led central government which necessitates a double-engine sarkar with BJP being an integral player. The hidden implication is that even if Jagan retains power, he will need BJP’s support, or else if the alliance comes to power, BJP is anyway a part of the government.

Coming to Jagan, he has a contrasting point to make as he says he wants to score a double century in the Andhra polls. After running the 175/175 MLA seats notion in AP for the last year or so, Jagan has moved the envelope further as he said YCP must win 175/175 MLA seats and 25/25 MP seats, making it 200/200 positions. He wants YCP to hit a double century by winning each and every assembly and parliament segment in the state.

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