Home CINEMA Indian Student Jailed 14 Yrs For Defending Himself

Indian Student Jailed 14 Yrs For Defending Himself

Tejeshwar Kalia,

Tejeshwar Kalia, a 22-year-old Indian student working at a Circle K store in Canada, faces up to 14 years in prison for defending himself against a robber wielding a baseball bat, just weeks after another Indian student, Vivek Saini, was killed in a similar incident in the US.

Kalia is currently under house arrest, unable to work or attend college, and lacks the financial means to fight his legal battle.

Despite the attack, he says he still loves Peterborough, where the incident occurred.

Kalia’s case has sparked a debate about the right to self-defense and the fairness of the justice system.

His friends have launched a fundraiser to support him, emphasizing his innocence and the injustice of his situation. The community has rallied around Kalia, raising over $12,000 to help cover his legal fees.

Security footage of the incident may be crucial in proving Kalia’s innocence.

However, the legal system’s handling of the case has raised concerns about fairness and racial bias.

While the police chief defends the actions of law enforcement, many see Kalia as a victim of a flawed system.

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