Home CINEMA We serve people, Jagan loots state, says Naidu

We serve people, Jagan loots state, says Naidu

TDP president for former chief minister, Nara Chandrababu Naidu, on Wednesday remarked that power is serving the public for TDP, the Jana Sena and the BJP while it is looting for Chief Minister, Jagan Mohan Reddy, who has exploited his power as a licence to loot the public wealth.

Addressing an enormous public gathering at Tanuku in West Godavari district flanked by the Jana Sena chief, Mr Pawan Kalyan, as part of Praja Garjana, Chandrababu Naidu said in the past five years Jagan is the only person who has prospered in the State. The TDP supremo asked the people whether they want a destructive rule of Jagan or development of the State which is possible only by the TDP allied National Democratic Alliance (NDA).

Do the youth want jobs or ganja and drugs, Chandrababu Naidu asked and informed the public that “let us develop the State with the cooperation and support of the Centre where too the NDA is going to come back to power.” Clarifying to the public that the agenda of all the three partners of the NDA is common, he said that the agenda is welfare, development and upholding the democratic values.

Stating that he and the Jana Sena chief, Pawan Kalyan, have made certain sacrifices for the victory of the alliance, Chandrababu Naidu termed Pawan Kalyan as the real hero who is fighting for the people after making these sacrifices. Chandrababu Naidu made an appeal to the people to crush the ego of Mr Jagan. “The May 13 polling should be in such a way that it should crush the arrogance of Jagan,” he remarked.

Cheered by the huge turnout at the public meeting, Chandrababu Naidu felt that this was only the beginning of the end for Jagan. He expressed confidence that the YSRCP would certainly be wiped out of the political scene as soon as Varahi joined the Praja Galam.

Recalling that the TDP joined the NDA in 2014 to save the State from the troubles faced post-bifurcation, Mr Chandrababu said that now again the TDP has become a partner of the alliance to rescue the State from the clutches of Jagan. He said that Pawan Kalyan has come into politics sacrificing his comfortable life and crores of revenue from the film world only to serve the people.

“Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, who wants to take the nation to the number one position in the world, me with 40 years of experience in politics, and Pawan Kalyan who is very keen to serve the public joined together only to take the State much forward,” Chandrababu Naidu said. Recalling the past victory of TDP winning all the 15 Assembly segments in the district, the former chief minister felt that now Jagan’s party may lose even deposits in all these segments.

Chandrababu Naidu said that the State is already on a ventilator and the alliance will help like the oxygen to bring it back to active life. Asking the people to ponder over how the State has witnessed development between 2014 and 19 and how it got destroyed later, he said that there are several works pending like building the capital Amaravathi, the Polavaram and completing all other irrigation projects.

This apart, the youth need employment opportunities and the industrial corridors too should be developed, he said. “The youth should remember that all this is possible only with the alliance and the State will certainly be brought back on track,” he added.

Reiterating that the post of chief minister is not his priority, he said that the TDP, the Jana Sena and the BJP have joined hands keeping in view the future of the State and the people, including the youth. Chandrababu Naidu wanted every citizen to think about this and about the future of the State. Not even a single farmer in the State is happy now, he promised to initiate all possible measures for the progress of the farming sector.

The YSRCP is making every effort to bring in differences between the TDP and the Jana Sena through fake social media postings, Chandrababu Naidu said and added that even the signatures of the TDP and the Jana Sena leaders are being forged. He made an appeal to the people not to trust the fake postings on social media.

Chandrababu Naidu is confident that the Super-Six schemes will bring in a social revolution and the alliance is coming to the people with a perfect agenda. Every woman will be paid Rs 1500 on 1st of every month under Adabidda Nidhi and under Talliki Vandanam Rs 15,000 will be paid for each child for pursuing their studies. Listing out several other such schemes, Chandrababu Naidu reaffirmed that the volunteer system will be continued and soon after the NDA forms the government in the State their wages will be revised.

Minister, representing this district, Karumuru Nageswara Rao, looted the public properties, including the lands of innocent people, Chandrababu Naidu remarked. Calling upon the people to question Jagan wherever possible, Chandrababu Naidu said that he will show what is development and the people should work hard for these 30 days.

“You all joined hands to work for the victory of the alliance and I will personally take the responsibility to work hard for all of you for the coming five years to take the State on the much progressive path,” Chandrababu Naidu told the gathering.

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