Home GADGETS Foundation models: Get to know what AI is built on

Foundation models: Get to know what AI is built on

You’ve probably already seen some of the astounding things AI has proven itself capable of — generating text in an instant, giving the Pope some fashion tips, creating video of anything, or providing useful code to programmers and non-programmers alike. But AI didn’t learn to do all of these things out of nowhere. Each AI tool has been trained on different data, creating what is called a foundation model.

To put it into more relatable terms, a doctor will go to med school and train on medical procedures. For an AI doctor, that background would be their foundation model. If you wanted a Karate AI, the training data for the doctor would be no use. Instead, it would train on martial arts techniques to create its foundation model. The foundation model is the result of large amounts of data and considerable machine learning done on that data.

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