What’s a Linea T-Jet without a proper taut suspension?
BHPian abhi_tjet recently shared this with other enthusiasts.
I got the suspension replacement done yesterday which was due since the time Linea clocked the big milestone recently. There was no leak or sound coming from it. But obviously it wasn’t what it used to be.
Moreover, whats a Linea without a proper taut suspension.
Outgoing cofap by Magneti Marelli.
The oem spec motherson strut
Initial feedback is awesome. I suppose, I will wait at least couple of 100kms before updating in detail. Rear ones are still stock. Will see if they also need replacement.
Damage to wallet – ₹7k
In another positive news, even the strut pads are doing good with no noise coming from them.
Spotted an Oceanic Blue colour Linea in the garage. Same as mine. Almost same vintage. It looks quite different though. Isn’t it?
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