Home NEWS Hyderabad police chief rubbishes claims made by former Bodhan MLA

Hyderabad police chief rubbishes claims made by former Bodhan MLA

Former Bodhan MLA Shakeel Aamir and his son Raheem Aamir.

Former Bodhan MLA Shakeel Aamir and his son Raheem Aamir.

The Panjagutta police rubbished the claims made by former Bodhan MLA Shakeel Aamir in a video message pertaining to his son Raheem Aamir’s involvement in two accident cases.

The cases were booked by the Jubilee Hills police for an accident wherein a two-month-old baby was killed in March 2022, and another case booked by the Panjagutta police in December 2023.

Hyderabad City Police Commissioner K. Sreenivasa Reddy said that in the Panjagutta accident, it was found out that the then Inspector of Panjagutta police allowed manipulation of the investigation records to shield the actual driver of the crime vehicle in collusion with the accused persons.

“In that case, based on the evidence, it was found that Raheel Aamir drove the car, committed the crime, escaped from the police custody, and absconded by flying abroad within a few hours. Mr Shakeel is also one of the accused persons as the investigation revealed his influence on the police officers to manipulate the investigation and shield his son,” said the official.

During the course of investigation in the said case, credible information was received that similar manipulations took place in the investigation of a fatal road accident case reported by Jubilee Hills police in 2022.

“That case has been reopened and is being investigated further as per law after obtaining permission for the same from the concerned court of law as certain facts and circumstances surfaced indicating perfunctory investigation done earlier,” added the official.

In that case, one of the three persons travelling in the car was chargesheeted by the then investigating officer saying he surrendered and confessed the offence before the police. The case was undertrial.

“However, on scrutiny of the investigation done earlier, there were many facts and circumstances which were found to have been suppressed without any reasons. During further investigation, many facts and circumstances have come up to reveal that the actual driver of the car was a different person than the one who was charged earlier, and that he had gone abroad on the very next day after the incident,” said the Commissioner.

Meanwhile, he said that in the video released by Shakeel, certain baseless remarks on the investigating police officers were made. “It is observed in the said video that the said person has tried to ascribe non-existent and imaginary aspersions on the motive of the police officers who are investigating and supervising the said case strictly as per law on its merits to unearth the truth,” concluded the officer.

In an official statement, the Commissioner said, “The aspersions made by the said person amounting to communal, political and other overtones in the investigation are completely baseless and false, and they are condemned. “

The investigation is under progress and strict legal action will be taken against all the persons involved in the involved in the crime. Also, appropriate legal action will be initiated against the persons trying to distort the investigation with malafide intentions, the Commissioner said.

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