Home CINEMA Reels Lady Question, Jagan Struggles

Reels Lady Question, Jagan Struggles

Social media has become such a powerful tool that it can make or break someone’s life. Over the last 10 years, social media has become a key tool in the electoral process as well.

During this election season, we have been witnessing various videos and stories on multiple parties. Some of these videos go viral and may affect the contesting candidates’ image as well. One such video from Andhra Pradesh is now trending on social media.

A video of Jagan remaining silent to a question asked by a young girl is now making waves on social media and also resulted in several trolls on him.

Twist in the tale is the lady who asked the question is a YouTuber who does reels. Doubts are on if the meet is also staged. The lady claims herself as an Entrepreneur. Social media is full of her reels exposing the real entrepreneurship.

In the video, the girl tells Jagan that he is not only an inspirational politician but also an inspirational entrepreneur. She then asks him to give her a few tips on entrepreneurship.

Jagan, instead of answering, remained silent and smiled. His spokesperson on the stage tried to cover the embarrassment by saying that Jagan’s entire entrepreneurial journey is up online and one can just look up on the internet to get inspired by his life.

Commonly, many people opine that Jagan relies heavily on scripted speeches and never deviates from those scripts.

However, after watching the recent video, internet users are trolling Jagan and asserting that he truly struggles to speak anything out of the script.

Jagan and YSR Congress batch trolls Nara Lokesh as Pappu. But Lokesh is blasting all speeches on Public Platforms while Jagan is struggling like a Pappu, TDP Supporters are trolling

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