Home CINEMA Big Relief For JanaSena Party & Allies

Big Relief For JanaSena Party & Allies

In what can be termed as a big relief for Janasena and its allies, Glass Tumbler is given as the common symbol for Janasena

The commission has clarified that there is no possibility of allotting the glass symbol to other candidates in the constituencies where Janasena is not contesting

In this regard, the commission sent instructions to the district election officials on Sunday

Janasena wrote a letter to the Central Election Commission last week seeking clarification

In case, the symbol is allotted to others in seats where Janasena is not contesting, there is a chance that Janasena’s votes can be prevented from going to TDP and the BJP in such seats.

So, this decision of the Commission is a huge relief to Janasena, TDP, and the BJP.

The problem is not completely over for Janasena. Parties like Navarang Congress Party and Jatiya Janasena Party are trying to confuse the voters with symbols resembling the Glass Tumber and candidate names similar to that of Janasena candidates.

Navarang Congress Party has got Bucket symbol which resembles the Glass Tumbler and its candidate names are similar to Janasena candidates in many seats.

Jatiya Janasena Party is trying to confuse voters with similar party name and candidate names similar to JSP candidates.

These are technical issues however and the EC may not help in this scenario.

In the Telangana elections, the Chapati roller and stick and Road Roller symbols which appear similar to the car symbol of the BRS got a significant number of votes due to the symbol confusion.

BRS supporters claim such symbols resulted in the defeat of their candidates in seats where there is a close contest.

BRS urged the EC and also went to the court on this issue but got no relief.

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