Home CAR & BIKES Our 2 cars damaged in last 3 weeks thanks to reckless 2-wheeler...

Our 2 cars damaged in last 3 weeks thanks to reckless 2-wheeler riders

I kept honking at him but he did not bother to stop and apologize, let alone take responsibility for the damage done.

BHPian DocwithFiesta recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

In the last 3 weeks, both our cars have been damaged by reckless two-wheeler riders.

Yesterday evening (20/04/2024) at around 7pm, 100 meters from Atrium Apartments in Adyar, a two-wheeler ridden by a decent appearing educated guy (assuming by the appearance), while overtaking from the left and trying to navigate between my car and a parked car on the street in an extremely narrow gap, hit my car and damaged the front bumper.

I was behind him for about 30 seconds, following the incident, on that street while he was stuck behind the car in front of me and kept honking at him for the entire 30 seconds (while we both were on the move), but he did not bother to stop and apologize, let alone take responsibility for the damage done.

I could not recognise the bike make and model, nor do I remember the registration number (it was TN22 something), but if the biker is reading this, I want to say just one thing: SHAME ON YOU!

A similar incident took place in the first week of April when my father was driving the Fiesta on the ECR. A biker damaged the front bumper in a similar manner.

Now my question/concern about today’s incident is: why don’t people take responsibility for their mistakes? I understand mistakes do happen, but why run away? If you are emotionally or financially weak to accept the consequences of your mistakes, then why be so reckless on the road?

At the end of the day, I am left with 2 broken front bumpers.

Thanks for reading.

Here’s what BHPian Arun_S had to say about the matter:

Same thing happened to me couple of months back, guy on an Activa trying to squeeze between the median and my car during peak traffic, his foot rest just took my entire front bumper.

He just escaped and didn’t even have the courtesy to apologize.

I might be found a little rude, but of late, I see an increasing number of two-wheelers having an attitude towards cars like they have insurance/money to let them suffer.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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