Home CINEMA Manifesto will be implemented in toto, says Yanamala

Manifesto will be implemented in toto, says Yanamala

The election manifesto of the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) has already got total public acceptance and all the political parties in the State, except the YSRCP, are appreciating it, said TDP politburo member and Leader of Opposition in the State Legislative Council, Yanamala Ramakrishnudu.

Addressing the media persons through zoom, Yanamala said that all the schemes mentioned in the manifesto will be implemented totally which will help all sections of people to progress well. The people’s manifesto has been formulated to take the State in a developing path as Andhra Pradesh has been totally destroyed by the present YSRCP Government, Yanamala observed.

Expressing concern that the State is now under a whopping Rs 14 lakh cr debts, the TDP politburo member made it clear that the coming NDA government will implement every scheme mentioned in the manifesto. “We will create assets and with the revenue generated from these properties the schemes will be implemented. I think this will clarify the doubts being expressed by some persons on how the coming government will implement so many schemes as the State is in neck-deep of debts,” Yanamala stated.

Also, if the available natural resources are properly utilised the State Government will get a lot of revenue and the income now being diverted to private persons should also be added to the treasury, Yanamala felt and stated that the present YSRCP Government has miserably failed in this. This apart, this Government, in the name of Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT), has misused a lot of funds like appointing several advisors which is a sheer wastage of funds, he added.

The coming TDP allied NDA government will certainly avoid such wastage of funds, the TDP politburo member declared. Regretting that the State revenue has come down drastically because of the looting by Chief Minister, Jagan Mohan Reddy, and his ‘J’ gang, he said that this will certainly be rectified. The Andhra Pradesh Government has touched the lowest level even in tax GST ration too, Yanamala said and stated that the one-tax revenue too has not grown.

Immediately after the NDA forms the coming government steps will be initiated to take up the one-tax revenue without revising the taxes but utilising all the available resources, he said. The economic growth rate during the TDP regime was in double digit but now this YSRCP Government has brought it down to single digit, he said and maintained that soon after the NDA is into power measures will be initiated to take it again to double digit.

There has been no development in the State for the past five years and this Government could not take steps even to fill the potholes on roads in any part of the State, Yanamala remarked. If there is no development there will be no revenue and the NDA government will take the State on the progressive path, he said.

Yanamala expressed confidence that with this manifesto all sections of people will get benefits and the youth will get employment besides controlling the prices of all commodities. He is of the opinion that rural economy is crucial for development of the State, he said that the agro industries have been hit hard during the YSRCP rule.

The TDP politburo member felt an immediate need to develop the cooperative system along with other sectors like horticulture, acqua and livestock. This apart, the industrial sector too suffered heavily in these five years and it has been pushed into negative growth and there is every need to set this right, he said.

The manifesto has been designed keeping in view the poor and the youth, Yanamala said, adding that if industries are set up in the State, employment will be generated and once the youth get jobs the State revenue too will grow. Reiterating that all the issues mentioned in the manifesto will be implemented, Yanamala Ramakrishnudu said that development will be given top priority to increase the State revenue and to provide employment to the youth besides taking care of every section of people.

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