Home NEWS I will be first Adivasi woman MP from Telangana: Atram Suguna

I will be first Adivasi woman MP from Telangana: Atram Suguna

ADILABAD: Congress Adilabad candidate Atram Suguna was a government teacher till a few months ago but politics is not new to her. Her political career began as an MPTC from the Congress in Murimadugu in the Jannaram mandal in 1995.

She also worked in various organisations focusing on the welfare of teachers, Adivasis and women. After a long gap of nearly 30 years, she relinquished her teaching job and joined the Congress to fight elections.

In an interview with the Deccan Chronicle, Suguna spoke on a wide range of issues including politics and personal life, the Congress and her fight for the people’s constitutional rights.


Q. Why did you re-enter politics after a long gap and why did you join the Congress?

I was active in people’s movements even after I got a job as a government teacher. I tried to balance between my job and fighting for the public cause. I realised that it was difficult for me to do justice to both at the same time.

I joined politics again because I wanted to actively participate for the public good. I took inspiration from panchayat raj minister Seethakka, with whom I have a long association in public movements. That’s why I chose to join the Congress.

Q. What is your political background?

I contested as an MPTC on a Congress party ticket from Munimadugu in Jannaram mandal and got elected in 1995. I polled 800 votes out of a total of 1,100 by spending just Rs 1,000. Getting elected as the MPTC boosted my morale and gave me confidence to work for the people. After 24 years, I am contesting again on a Congress ticket for the Adilabad Lok Sabha seat. I am confident that I will win with a big majority.

I thank Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy, Rahul Gandhi, and Sonia Gandhi for giving a ticket to a government teacher like me and for encouraging Adivasi women in mainstream politics.

I am the first Adivasi woman contesting in the Lok Sabha elections in the state. My husband, Atram Bhujangarao, is also a government teacher and active in the Human Rights Forum.

Q. What kind of response are you getting?

I’m getting a good response. People want to see Rahul Gandhi as Prime Minister after these elections. People are comparing the Congress rule with the BRS and BJP rule and have decided to vote for the Congress. Now, they’re looking for a leader who will fight for their rights, resolve their problems, and question anti-people policies in Parliament.

Q. Do you see any impact of the 5Gs on the public?

As for the impact of the Paanch Nyay promised in the Congress manifesto, it has been significant. Women are responding positively to the `1 lakh financial assistance per year and the promise to provide 2,00 days of work under MGNREGS, along with offering `400 as minimum wage to workers.

We’re taking these Paanch Nyay and social justice agenda to every household, in addition to the Six Guarantees offered by the state government. Even farmers are supporting us after Chief Minister Revanth Reddy made it clear that the crop loan waiver would be implemented at any cost by August 15.

Q. How do youth look at the BRS and BJP and their policies?

The BRS has failed to implement many promises it gave to the people in the last 10 years, while the BJP did nothing but create hype around its policies and schemes, though they haven’t shown much positive impact on people’s lives. For instance, they failed to implement the KG to PG scheme, provide 3-acre land to the Dalits and Tribals, and offer 2BHK to all eligible poor.

It was us, the Congress, who constructed irrigation projects, established top educational institutions, and implemented welfare, health, and education schemes like MGNREGS, as well as providing lands assigned to the poor for their empowerment.

Exploitation of people has increased on all fronts under the BRS and BJP rule, but we, the Congress, are the people’s party striving for the welfare and development of the poor and marginalised.

BRS candidate Atram Sakku failed to develop his Asifabad segment despite being MLA twice. How can he develop the Adilabad Lok Sabha constituency, which is much bigger than the Asifabad segment?

BJP candidate Godam Nagesh has been MLA, MP and a minister but he did not even develop his village. So now how can people expect development from him?

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