Home CINEMA ‘Saudi Includes Yoga, But Here We Say Hindu-Muslim’

‘Saudi Includes Yoga, But Here We Say Hindu-Muslim’

When Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared Yoga is a must exercsie for every citizen of the country, many Muslim leaders branded that as an anti-Muslim movie, saying that Surya Namaskar is a Hindu tradition. Since then, the main opposition Congress party also started to sing the same tune. On that note, Prime Minister Narendra Modi opened up on this topic for the first time.

“I’ve been to many Gulf countries in recent times and many millionaires from those countries ask me, ‘Modi Ji, how do we actually learn Yoga in a good way? My wife wants to go to India for a month and learn it. In Saudi, they have made Yoga a curriculum, but here, Indian Muslims label that as something anti-Muslim. They made it as a Hindu-Muslim thing. I want to ask these Muslims with my heart out, think about the future of your kids but not anything else” said PM Modi, in a riveting discussion with the Times Now channel that was aired last night. He further added “Abolishing Triple Talaq explains to my Muslim sisters how genuine I’m about them. Building Ram Mandir and Abrogation of Article 370 is always in BJP’s manifesto and we’ve just fulfilled the promise”.

Modi further stated that if the Muslim community remained a minority and backward, it was because of the failed promises of the Congress party that ruled the country since Independence for a long time. And the Prime Minister stated that they are going to run the country for the third time in a row with 400+ seats majority in the Lok Sabha yet again.

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