Home CINEMA Vijayasai Reddy’s First Contest: Expected Loss?

Vijayasai Reddy’s First Contest: Expected Loss?


Despite being recognized as the number two in the present government, Vijay Sai Reddy has not initiated any development projects for the district. Criticisms have been leveled against him for failing to promote the local language that he adopted.

Jagan, who was imprisoned as A-2 in a case involving illegal activities, spent a significant portion of his life behind bars. In Visakhapatnam, opposition party leaders have faced numerous allegations, ranging from property destruction to encroachment. The TDP has capitalized on these issues, leading to increased opposition among the populace.

Rajya Sabha member Beda Mastan Rao is the sole supporter of Vijaya Sai Reddy. It appears that the YSRCP has relinquished control of the crucial city of Nellore.

The Nellore Parliament seat is hotly contested in every election. However, this time, it appears likely that the TDP alliance will secure a unilateral victory. Vemireddy Prabhakar Reddy, representing the alliance, is a key contender. Although Vijayasai Reddy, contesting from the YSRCP, is a local candidate, he lacks strong support from key leaders and the public.

Meanwhile, the TDP’s candidate composition in Assembly constituencies appears stronger than ever. Vemireddy Prabhakara Reddy, formerly of the YSRCP, joined the TDP after facing difficulty in securing a parliamentary candidacy. Chandrababu promptly provided him with a ticket, leading to a significant defection of YSRCP cadre to the TDP.

In the Nellore Parliamentary Elections, the alliance candidate is a formidable force in both the Assembly and MLA contests. Against this backdrop, the TDP alliance is poised to create new history in the Nellore district.

While there are similarities between the TDP and YSRCP candidates, there are also notable differences. Both Vemireddy Prabhakara Reddy and Vijayasai Reddy hail from the district, entered politics through the YSRCP, and served as members of the Rajya Sabha for the party. However, they differ in their closeness to YSRCP chief Jagan.

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