Home CAR & BIKES How I did a 5-day, 2500 km Nashik road trip in a...

How I did a 5-day, 2500 km Nashik road trip in a ’10 Mercedes-Benz E350

This trip had been on the burner for a very long time and I’m really happy that I went through with it. I am very impressed with the car and cant wait for my next adventure with her.

BHPian CaptAM recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

INTRO: Finally undertook a road trip that had been planned even before I got the car in which I went on the trip. Drove from Delhi to Nashik(Sula Vineyards) and back, covering a total distance of 2500km in 5 days.

BACKGROUND: The plan was to go on a road trip with the following criteria to be met:

  • Total trip of 5 days.
  • Not more than 800km to be covered per day.
  • A limit of 12hrs on the road per day.
  • Fuel stops only in the city. No highway petrol pumps.


  • The total distance from my residence to Sula Vineyards was approx. 1250kms one way.
  • Since it was only me and my wife, in a luxury car, night stops had to be planned in decent and safe locations only.
  • The majority of the trip was planned to cover a substantial distance on the NE4 even if meant covering a longer overall distance. The decision was a smart one as every time we entered the NE after a stint on the state highways, the relief was undeniable.

DAY 1: Delhi – Ratlam ( Total Distance: 771km ; Time on Road: 10hr30mins)

  • Fully gassed up and nitrogen filled to proper specs, started from Delhi at 5.05am. Within 40mins we were on the NE4, where I could for the first time unleash Spectre and wake the beast which had been lazing inside during city drives.
  • After a long stint on the NE4, we were forced to take the exit at Lalsot and then join back immediately to continue till Sawai Madhopur, where the NE ended for now.
  • After that it was a relentless run on the NH148, to our first refuel stop at Kota, RJ. While I was worried about this stretch since it was a single carriageway, the quality of the road was really good. Also, there was enough scenic relief to keep the drive interesting.
  • Finally reached the beautiful city of Kota around 10.30am. Had planned to visit the famed, 7 wonders park, but were surprised to learn that it opened after 2.30pm (very coaching capital(ish) indeed).
  • Decided to have an early lunch at the nice and clean Sasa Resort on the outskirt of Kota. Thereafter we continued to our next destination, Ratlam, MP.
  • This stint started on the NH52, where after Gmaps being Gmaps took us through a state/district highway. This was the worst road on our entire route, with constant bumps and many unpaved parts as well. Luckily the traffic on this stretch was sparse and the thirty odd kilometers ended with us entering the most beautiful stretch of the NE4!
  • Beautiful farm lands and giant windmills aplenty, the relief after the poor state highway was instantaneous. The rest of the journey was uneventful and we entered our hotel in Ratlam at 3.30pm.

Stats at the end of Day 1

DAY 2: Ratlam – Nashik (Total Distance: 512km ; Time on Road: 8Hr)

  • After an uncomfortable night in the below par hotel, we decided to start from Ratlam an hour earlier than we had planned. So, left the hotel at 6am, and after a short petrol top-up, we were once again on our way.
  • Our route covered NH156-NH52-NH60.
  • We enjoyed a wonderful drive, witnessing a mesmerising sunrise, before passing through the short, but beautiful ghat section. While there was plenty of traffic on this route, progress was still swift. The roads were well maintained with just a few road works around the ghat section. Also, there were fewer speed bumps on this route, placed more predictably than the day before.
  • We reached Sula Vineyards, at 2PM.

Entering our Destination

DAY 3: Spent in Sula.

  • Wine tasting, cycling around and exploring the property. Basically just chilling the entire day.

Elegant wine tasting room and a colourful sunset

DAY 4: Sula,Nashik – Kota (Total Distance: 750km Time on Road:12hrs)

  • This was the day I was the most worried about. Longest drive of the trip, and overall fatigue adding up.
  • Started off at 6am. First stop was to refuel. Was excited to try out Shell, since we dont have them in the north. However, just got a partial fuel up done since they were around Rs. 15/L more expensive than other petrol pumps!
  • Enjoyed the rest of the trip back, with Gmaps pleasantly surprising us twice. Once with a wonderfull winding road(NH31) which was driving heaven for me since the road was in perfect condition with almost no traffic at all.
  • The second surprise was when it took us on a route that avoided the horrendous state highway we had encountered on our way from Kota to Ratlam.
  • Thanks to both these things the return till Kota was much less fatiguing than I had anticipated and we reached our hotel fresher than expected.
  • Therefore, we decided to visit the 7 wonders park on this day, and got the car fuelled and prepped for the next day.

Stats as we ended our long day 4

DAY 5: Kota – Delhi (Total Distance: 490Km Time on Road: 6hrs)

  • The most relaxed driving day of the trip. Familiar roads and majority of the drive on the NE4.
  • Started in the morning at 6.30am, with no agenda except to relax and enjoy the drive. As soon as we got on the NE4, we decided to slow down since we wanted to stop for breakfast at Mcd, having missed it on our drive out of Delhi.
  • Reached home at 12.25PM, with our total trip ODO reading 2522.3Km.

Stats at the end of day 5

It was an amazing and epic trip, made even more enjoyable thanks to our noble steed. Which brings me to my next section..

The CAR: Introducing SPECTRE.

  • Our 2010 Mercedes E350 (W212). I have been waiting for a long time to write an ownership thread on her, but I think I’ll start it from here.
  • This car was on my radar for a long time, and only for this gem of an engine. The build quality and comfort are just the icing on the cake.
  • Coming back to this beast of an engine, it was just a pleasure stretching her legs on the highway. The immense power is addictive, and it made easy work of overtakes on the single carriageway.
  • The ride was very comfortable and while I was worried about the low ground clearance, it did not scrape anywhere even once. Even on broken roads it was very composed and the suspension took everything in its stride.


  • Ratlam: Hotel Balaji Central – Not a pleasant stay. Decided to check out as early as possible. Would not recommend.
  • Nashik: The Source at Sula – Took their treehouse rooms, which were very comfortable. Would definitely recommend. The room also comes with tour and tasting as part of the package.
  • Kota: SaSa Resort – Another comfortable hotel, on the outskirts of the city. Very good food and excellent service. Would recommend this place for anyone visiting Kota, and wanting to stay away from the bustle and congestion of the city. Only downside is that their restaurant closes at 10PM.

Other Points:

  • I like to travel fully stocked with snacks, cup noodles, energy drinks, hot water in thermos etc.
  • There are plenty of Petrol Pumps all along the highway.
  • There are very few food joints along the entire route. Absolutely no known brands at all.
  • Google Maps was surprisingly accurate throughout the trip.
  • Rest stops are aplenty along the route. But, not all of them have facilities.
  • Would recommend you carry your own food/drinks if like me, you’re not comfortable stopping at roadside ‘dhabas’.
  • Had to stop every couple of hours to clean the windshield.

Some Pictures:

The entry to the NE4 was welcoming and exhilarating

Like I said, we like to travel well stocked with all kinds of snacks

Witnessed beautiful sunrises everyday of the trip

The treehouse was well appointed and aesthetically pleasing

Taken at the start of return journey

Saw many such trucks carrying these huge windmill blades. Kept wondering how they manoeuvred through the narrow and steep ghat section

Natural beauty aplenty to break the monotony of the road

Taken somewhere in MP. Decided to stop and stretch out. The sweltering heat(45.5C) had us back in the car in no time

Beautiful early morning shot of Spectre

Some Stats:

  • Total petrol consumed: Approx. 258L
  • Total time spent on road: 36.5hrs
  • Amount of coffee consumed: 7L
  • Number of energy drinks consumed: 5
  • Number of states crossed: 5 (DL, HR, RJ, MP, MH)
  • Best and worst mileage figures: 10.6Km/l and 9.3Km/L respectively
  • Number of toll plaza’s crossed: 35!
  • Total spent on tolls: Rs. 4500

Conclusion: This trip had been on the burner for a very long time and I’m really happy that I went through with it. I am very impressed with the car and cant wait for my next adventure with her.

2522.3 Epic Kilometers

Thank you for having taken the time out to go through this long journey with me. I am open to suggestions to help improve this post, and also open to idea’s for my next trip.

Signing off with this dirty pic of Spectre. One of my favourite pictures. I love it coz it show’s the car has accomplished something!

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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