Home NEWS Modi hurt sentiments of Hindus with ‘Ram temple demolition’ comments: MLC Jeevan...

Modi hurt sentiments of Hindus with ‘Ram temple demolition’ comments: MLC Jeevan Reddy

Congress MLC T Jeevan Reddy

Congress MLC T Jeevan Reddy
| Photo Credit: K V RAMANA

Congress MLC T. Jeevan Reddy termed Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s claim that the Congress party would demolish the Ram temple with bulldozers as blasphemous and hurting the sentiments of Hindus in the country.

At a press conference held in Hyderabad, he said the entire country was aware of who has brought in the bulldozer culture in the country and by referring to demolition of the Ram temple in Ayodhya, Mr. Modi has insulted the Hindus and those who believe in Hindu faith.

He said Mr. Modi’s comments were unpardonable and a Prime Minister resorting to such blatant falsehood and creating enmity between faiths was not acceptable. Why is the Election Commission of India (ECI) not taking any action, he asked and demanded that Mr. Modi apologise for his irrational statements and withdraw them immediately.

Mr. Reddy said it was the Congress Government that opened the gate of the temple respecting the Court’s verdict in 1986 when Rajiv Gandhi was the Prime Minister. Where was Mr. Modi when Rajiv Gandhi performed Shilanyas as per the Court orders.

He claimed that had Rajiv Gandhi come back to power in 1989, the temple construction would have started by then convincing the people of all faiths as per the court orders. Congress respects all religions and is committed to the secular values that India stood for.

Mr. Reddy alleged that the BJP has raked up emotions in the name of the temple and the issue was aggravated only because of the communal politics of the BJP. It was Rajiv Gandhi who took steps for spiritual growth in the country. It was during his time that the epic serials Ramanayana and Maha Bharatha were aired on Doordarshan.

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