Home GADGETS Bing, Copilot, DuckDuckGo, ChatGPT Search Down on Microsoft Outage

Bing, Copilot, DuckDuckGo, ChatGPT Search Down on Microsoft Outage

A significant Microsoft outage has affected several key services, including, Copilot for web and mobile, Copilot in Windows, ChatGPT internet search, and DuckDuckGo. The disruption began around 3.00 a.m. Eastern Time, primarily impacting users in Asia and Europe.

User reports and MacRumors‘ tests indicate that attempts to access result in either a blank page or a 429 HTTP code error. Notably, the Bing search functionality remains operational if accessed directly via a specific URL, though the homepage remains inaccessible.

For users needing to perform searches on Bing, accessing the search engine directly through the alternative URL is a workaround. However, Copilot services are entirely offline across all platforms, including the website, app, and Windows integration.

As noted by Bleeping ComputerChatGPT internet search and DuckDuckGo are also experiencing disruptions due to their reliance on the Bing API. DuckDuckGo users encounter an error message stating, “There was an error displaying the search results. Please try again.” Despite the widespread impact, Microsoft has not yet issued a statement, though OpenAI has acknowledged the ChatGPT internet search issues on its support page.

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