Home NEWS China shows off its robot ‘dogs of war’ in Cambodia

China shows off its robot ‘dogs of war’ in Cambodia


China’s military yesterday showed off its machine-gun equipped robot battle “dogs” at the start of its biggest ever drills with Cambodian forces.

More than 2,000 troops, including 760 Chinese military personnel, are taking part in the drills at a remote training center in central Kampong Chhnang Province and at sea off Preah Sihanouk Province.

The 15-day exercise, dubbed Golden Dragon, also involves 14 warships — three from China — two helicopters and 69 armored vehicles and tanks, and includes live-fire, anti-terrorism and humanitarian rescue drills.

Photo: AP

The hardware on show included the so-called “robodogs” — remote-controlled four-legged robots with automatic rifles mounted on their backs.

Handlers kept the dogs of war on the leash, demonstrating only their walking capabilities to watching journalists and top brass — not their shooting skills.

Opening the exercises, Cambodian armed forces commander-in-chief Vong Pisen said that they would “enhance the capabilities” of the two armies in the fight against terrorism.

Vong Pisen said that Cambodia would never allow a foreign military base on its territory, echoing previous assertions by Cambodian leaders.

After Cambodia dismantled facilities at Ream naval base near the Cambodian port city of Sihanoukville, built partly with US funding and having played host to US military exercises, China began funding its renovation.

Two Chinese warships docked at Ream in December last year for the first time after work began to expand the base.

Washington says that Ream could give Beijing a key strategic position on Gulf of Thailand near the disputed South China Sea.

Earlier this week, Cambodian army spokesman Thong Solimo told reporters that the exercises were biggest ever of their kind and China would cover the cost.

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