Home GADGETS PC pioneer Gordon Bell has passed away at 89 years old

PC pioneer Gordon Bell has passed away at 89 years old

C. Gordon Bell, a pioneering researcher and engineer in computing, died on May 17 due to pneumonia at his home in Coronado, California. He was 89 years old. His  groundbreaking technical achievements, as well as his efforts with the Computer History Museum, followed recurring health issues from birth.

Among his many achievements, one of the first and most major would have to be his contributions to the world’s first “minicomputers” in the 60s, which are bulky by today’s standards but were orders of magnitudes smaller than the room-sized mainframe PCs typical of that era. He helped work on Digital Equipment Corporation’s PDP-1, PDP-4, and PDP-6— PDP-1 also known today as the PC on which Spacewar!the first-ever video game, was played.

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