Home NEWS Schools in Telangana to reopen on June 12

Schools in Telangana to reopen on June 12

School uniforms being stitched at a Mahila Shakti centre in Sangareddy on Saturday.

School uniforms being stitched at a Mahila Shakti centre in Sangareddy on Saturday.
| Photo Credit: Mohd. Arif

All schools in the State will reopen on June 12 for the 2024-25 academic year post summer vacation.

The year will have 229 working days, 13 days as Dasara vacation, five days for Christmas for Missionary schools, and five days for Sankranti for non-Missionary schools, the School Education department said.

The school enrolment drive, Badi Bata programme, will start from June 1.

According to the department’s academic calendar, which was available to the press on Saturday, syllabus for classes 1 to 9 must be completed by February 28 and following it revision and remedial teaching should be taken up to prepare students for the final assessment in April.

For class 10 students, who will sit for Secondary School Certificate Board examination in March, syllabus must be completed by January 10, and revisions and remedial teaching should start after it. Their pre-final test must be completed before February 28.

Schools can organise game and sport events at various levels starting first week of August. For science exhibitions, for national, district, State and south-India fair can start from October onwards.

The INSPIRE – MANAK (Million Minds Augmenting National Aspirations and Knowledge), conducted by the Department of Science & Technology, at various levels will start from June or July.

Other than curriculum, no-bag day activities will be held on the third Saturday of the month. Principals are also to see that 30 minutes is allotted for reading activity daily.

The calendar specifically explains school authorities to conduct co-curricular activities, on subjects of physical and health education, work and computer education and values and life skill education, and art and cultural education. These separate components should be implemented by forming committees, and the activities are aimed at promoting the child’s overall development.

These co-curricular subjects compulsorily must be assigned 14 class periods for primary, nine for upper primary and eight for high school, per week. Co-curricular subjects, like regular curricular tests, will be assessed formally by a slip test and informally, by observation of behaviour and inter-personal skills.

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