Home NEWS Telangana government enforces Statewide ban on gutka and pan masala

Telangana government enforces Statewide ban on gutka and pan masala

Gutka and pan masala packets hanging in a shop in Sangareddy on Sunday. MOHD ARIF

The Telangana government has issued a one-year ban on the manufacture, storage, distribution, transportation and sale of gutka and pan masala containing tobacco and nicotine throughout the State, effective immediately.

The Commissioner of Food Safety announced the order on May 24, citing public health concerns. The prohibition is enacted under clause (a) of sub-section (2) of section 30 of the Food Safety and Standards Act 2006, in conjunction with regulation 2.3.4 of the Food Safety and Standards (Prohibition and Restriction of Sales) Regulation 2011.

Unorganised Sector

This order has disrupted Hyderabad’s markets since Sunday afternoon, with pan shop owners willing to comply but facing difficulties due to the sector’s unorganised nature.

“There are about 1.5 lakh pan shops in Telangana. We support banning gutka and many shops have already stopped selling it. However, we request authorities to exempt chewing tobacco and zarda, as millions of families depend on these sales for their livelihood,” said Mohammed Salahuddin Dakhni, president of the Pan Shop Owners Association of Telangana.

Mr. Salahuddin mentioned that his association had previously submitted representations to Telangana Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy and Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya on this issue. He said that many pan shops across the State also have posters displayed outside saying that they don’t sell gutka.

“We accept the government’s order, but there needs to be a clear chain of command,” said a pan shop owner from Yousufguda, speaking anonymously. “While gutka and pan masala are banned, if law enforcement inspects our shops and finds zarda, which contains negligible tobacco, they might still trouble shop owners,” he added.

A trader from the Begum Bazar area said several such orders have been issued in the past as well and people who want to sell it will make their way into it. “With these orders, the incidence of such products being sold in the black market for double and triple the MRP price increases. The government should focus on amending the Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act”, he said.

“The ban on gutka and pan masala is a crucial step in combating this disease. These products contain harmful ingredients like tobacco and betel nut, increasing the risk of oral cancer up to eight times. By removing these carcinogens from the market, the government is protecting citizens and preventing cancer. This measure will significantly reduce oral cancer cases, save lives and ease the healthcare burden.” said Dr. K. Syed Akram, Medical Director, Renova Bibi Cancer Hospital, Malakpet.

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