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Beat the heat: 10 tips to keep your phone cool this scorching summer | Technology News

Is your smartphone often getting too hot for you to handle? From avoiding playing games outside to removing phone cover while charging, here are some useful tips that can help you keep your head and the phone cool.

Smartphone cooling tipsHere’s how to keep your phone cool this scorching summer. (Express Photo)

With Indian summers reaching an all-time high, it’s not just you feeling the heat but your smartphone too. Prolonged exposure to heat can degrade your phone’s battery, throttle its performance, and cause it to lag or stutter. If your smartphone is getting too hot, here are some tips and tricks to help you keep it cool.

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  1. 01

    Avoid using your phone under direct sunlight

    This is unavoidable sometimes, but try to avoid using your phone for long periods in direct sunlight, as it can quickly overheat. If your work requires you to use your phone in the sun, reduce the brightness slightly or use it in the shade.

  2. 02

    Remove phone cover while charging

    Most modern smartphones can charge from 0 to 100 per cent in under an hour, with some achieving this in just a couple of minutes. While fast charging is convenient, it also generates a lot of heat. If your phone is getting hot during charging, try removing the back cover to help dissipate the heat and reduce the temperature to manageable levels.

  3. 03

    Try not to play games in a hot environment

    Smartphones can heat up significantly when playing video games for extended periods, especially outdoors or in hot rooms. To prevent overheating and extend your phone’s lifespan, play games indoors or in air-conditioned rooms.

  4. 04

    Adjust screen brightness

    New phones can reach incredibly high brightness levels, with some flagship devices offering up to 6,000 nits brightness. However, this high brightness can quickly raise your phone’s temperature. While some phones automatically adjust display brightness to prevent overheating, if your phone is still getting hot, manually reduce the screen brightness to keep it cool.

  5. 05

    Avoid using GPS in the car or on a bike unless required

    Many of us place our phones on the car’s dashboard and use apps like Google Maps to navigate. However, with phones exposed to direct sunlight and navigation apps using sensors like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GPS, your phone can heat up significantly. To avoid this, place your phone next to the AC vent when driving or keep it in a bag or pocket while riding your bike.

  6. 06

    Keep your phone aside for a few minutes

    This may not be a tech tip, but if your device is overheating to the point of lagging and stuttering, simply setting it aside and not using it for a few minutes can help cool it down to its normal operating temperature.

  7. 07

    Try to stick to official chargers

    Most smartphones, including Android and iPhones, can be charged easily using a single charger. However, using a different charger than the one that came with your phone may cause it to heat up. To prevent this, try using the officially supported charger for your phone when charging.

  8. 08

    Disabled unused apps or turn off notifications

    Your phone might heat up even when idle due to background apps constantly checking for updates or sending notifications. If you don’t need updates from unused apps, try disabling notifications for them. This can reduce background processes and lower the device’s temperature.

  9. 09

    Don’t leave your phone in the car

    Leaving your phone in a shut parked car, much like leaving children or pets inside, under direct sunlight, can be disastrous. Since the interior of a car can get pretty hot real quick, your phone will get heated even if it’s on standby.

  10. 10

    Avoid keeping your phone in your pocket

    Keeping your phone in your pocket is convenient, but it can cause it to operate warmer than ideal due to minimal air circulation. This effect is exacerbated on hot days. To prevent overheating, take your phone out of your pocket and keep it in an open area whenever possible.

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First uploaded on: 02-06-2024 at 16:20 IST

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