Home CAR & BIKES 5000 km in 1 month with my Punch EV: Overall spend on...

5000 km in 1 month with my Punch EV: Overall spend on charging revealed

5000 km in 1 month with my Punch EV: Overall spend on charging revealed

I drive 4000 km every month so an EV does make a lot of sense for my usage.

BHPian mh09ad5578 recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

One month update

So completed a month today of buying my punch LR. Fell slightly short of 5k km, 4928km to be exact. Spent about 6k rupees on fuel approximately some 3k on home and about 3k on fast charging. Extremely value for money to run. Home charging only will cost you less than a rupee a km to run (slow charge). I’ve got only the standard portable 3.3kw charger.

Fast charged at Shell in Bangalore the other day, smooth process but they don’t allow sitting in the car during charging, good they have great Cafe adjoining. Both were 120KW chargers.

Got the mandatory air topup here and was surprised to see psi on all tires was 29, when TPMS was showing ok. Got it topped up to 35 when recommended was 34. Guys do check the tire pressure manually the TPMS is useless.

Faced a couple of niggles. On a highway Jio charger, near Dobaspet , which had lights on but charger off when I connected the charging gun it got stuck. The charger was off it seems, after struggling for 30 mins trying to manually over ride the gun lock finally it released. Was a harrowing experience in rain And darkness above all lost the indicated range from 157 kms to 70 kms though the battery was same a indicated 60% . Very strange, but it charged ok on the Tata charger at Tumkur but took time to regain the range even though battery was at 90% . Everything was OK after slow charging the next day. If you see a charge r without visible power don’t connect it, it’ll mess with your range. Driver door squeak and boot hard close issue is back, guess the service guys had done nothing to fix it really. But it’s more of an irritant than anything else. The central DRL is still not working. Haven’t bothered to go and get these fixed as they don’t effect the functioning in any way. Will mostly try again at 7.5k km service.

It’s a attention magnet, people will enquire about every possible detail about it like pricing, mileage, maintenance, warranties, etc. Wife loves driving it too.

Mostly getting 225 to 250 km per full charge. Would have loved if it did 300-350 kms on a full charge, most range issues would have been solved. I was apprehensive when buying this, but now I’m sold on the concept of a EV , so much so that I wonder if buying the base/executive version of the MG Z Ev, would have been a great idea, proper 5 seater with good boot and above all very good range .

I drive 4k km every month so an EV does make a lot of sense for my usage. Will keep that updating the thread. Thanks.

5000 km in 1 month with my Punch EV: Overall spend on charging revealed

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