Mini India has quietly opened pre-orders for the new-gen Cooper 3-Door hatchback ahead of its launch later this year. Unveiled in September last year, the new-gen Cooper hatchback follows an evolutionary design replete with round headlamps and octagonal grille up front, clean lines and Union Jack-inspired tail-lamp internals at the rear. The door handles too sit flush with the doors.
Also read: MINI Unveils All-Electric Cooper for Urban Driving
The cabin too carries on the minimalist design theme with a large round central display the nerve centre for most of the in-car controls. The central unit handles all infotainment duties as well as acting as the instrument cluster providing the driver with all relevant information. A row of toggle switches sits below the touchscreen and houses the ‘experience modes’ toggle, parking brake, gear selector and the start-stop switch. The dashtop features a knitted finish with hidden ambient lighting.
It remains to be seen how the India-spec model will be specced with the previous-gen Mini having been offered with a range of features as optional extras.
Also read: New Mini Cooper, Cooper S Petrol Models Revealed
On the powertrain front, the new-gen Mini is offered with both electric and petrol powertrains – both offered in standard and more performance-oriented S specifications. The all-electric line-up comprises the 182 bhp Cooper E and the 215 bhp Cooper SE, the former offered with a 40.7 kWh battery and the latter with a larger 54.2 kWh unit. The petrol model meanwhile is offered in Cooper C and Cooper S spec in global markets. The former uses a 1.5-litre three-cylinder turbocharged engine pushing out 154 bhp while the latter uses a 2.0-litre four-cylinder turbocharged mill good for 201 bhp.
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Going by the images of Mini’s website we are likely to initially get the petrol hatchback in the hot Cooper S spec with the Cooper Electric to arrive later. Mini is listing five colours for buyers to pick from – Ocean Wave Green, Sunny Side Yellow, Chilli Red, British Racing Green and Blazing Blue. As per the website Chilli Red, British Racing Green and Blazing Blue will only be offered in limited numbers.