Home NEWS Honouring Hyderabad’s healing heroes: Doctors’ Day Special

Honouring Hyderabad’s healing heroes: Doctors’ Day Special

HYDERABAD : We believe that doctors are the true heroes and champions of our lives. They guide us when we are sick and ensure we are well taken care of. They are constantly thinking about us and our conditions, striving to resolve the illnesses we face. Despite their demanding schedules, they often sacrifice personal time for the sake of their patients. When they do find some time for themselves, they seek creative outlets to calm their minds and push through professional barriers. This Doctors’ Day, on July 1, CE aims to connect with doctors in the city to explore and celebrate the creative sides of their lives.

DR NAMRATA RUPANI, dentist and photographer

As a trained Kathak dancer, I seize every opportunity to dance. I also indulge in reading books during my free time. Surprisingly, I don’t feel stressed because my branding work has evolved into a fulfilling hobby that feels like a second or even third profession. Engaging in branding exercises allows me to unleash my creativity on a larger scale, akin to painting on a vast canvas. I have always been a keen observer of nature, people, and architecture, finding beauty in the world

DR NAMRATA RUPANI, dentist and photographer

DR MANJULA ANAGANI, Padmashree awardee, gynecologist, and obstetrician

I listen to light music events frequently. I also enjoy going out, painting, and watching movies. These hobbies are my way to de-stress. When I am at work, I am fully present there, and when I am at home, I focus on my hobbies and make the most of my time.

DR MANJULA ANAGANI, Padmashree awardee, gynecologist, and obstetrician

DR JAGADEESH KUMAR V, Senior physician and diabetologist

I play badminton, but finding time is a tough job in the city. I listen to music and dance at times. Writing health education articles is very important, as it decreases the economic burden on society. It’s crucial for everyone, not just doctors, to stop, relax, and take a chill pill. Nurturing a hobby makes a person multifaceted, more confident, and improves mental, physical, and social capacities. Indian doctors aren’t trained to be selfish and self-centred, which is a big boon for patients and a bane for the doctor’s fraternity. Doctors in India are true-spirited, committed, knowledgeable, and possess robust clinical experience, proving to be the best even in resource-limited areas. I am proud to be a doctor and passionate about catering to the needy. All I can say is trust your doctor, believing it is half the cure.

DR JAGADEESH KUMAR V, Senior physician and diabetologist

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