Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy today urged the Telugu film industry to take proactive steps toward fulfilling its social responsibilities. He suggested that all filmmakers create a news reel to raise awareness about drug-related issues and cybercrime.
He requested that all filmmakers create a video segment of at least two or three minutes in duration, featuring their cast members, to raise awareness about the dangers of drug abuse and cybercrime.
“There is no inherent issue with filmmakers requesting an increase in ticket prices from the government. It is an integral component of the business. However, it is imperative to exhibit social responsibility by creating and sharing videos that promote social awareness. I kindly request all theater owners in the state to exhibit this news reel on drug menace and cyber crimes prior to the screening of movies in theaters, without charging any fees,” CM Revanth Reddy said.
The Chief Minister stated that the government will provide additional assistance to those who fulfill their social obligations.
He delivered a speech at an event organized to raise awareness about the problem of drug abuse. CM Revanth Reddy thanked Megastar Chiranjeevi for his participation in the event.