Pawan Kalyan assured his fans that “OG”, a crime saga helmed by Sujeeth, would provide them with entertainment. “OG Choodduru Gaani. Baguntadi,” he informed his fans at a public gathering held in Uppada, near Kakinda, Andhra Pradesh.
Pawan Kalyan has recently taken on the role of Deputy Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh and is fully engaged in the administration and politics. Therefore, his fans have been eagerly anticipating his elucidation regarding his films and acting trajectory.
At this meeting, he stated that he will dedicate his free time from his political responsibilities to working on the films. “I will allocate one or two days for the movie shootings without causing any interruption to the government work,” he stated.
He concluded his speech by telling his fans to anticipate the release of “OG”.
Approximately 75 percent of the filming for “OG” had already been finished. This gangster drama is set in Mumbai and features Priyanka Mohan as the heroine. DVV Danayya is the producer. If Pawan Kalyan dedicates 20 days to this film, the entire shooting process will be completed.