Home CINEMA Real: A Robot Commits Suicide

Real: A Robot Commits Suicide

In some of the most surprising news lately, a South Korean civil servant robot apparently “committed suicide” by throwing itself down a flight of stairs. Officials from the Gumi City Council said the robot was found broken at the bottom of a two-meter staircase between the first and second floors of their building.

This robot, which had been working since August 2023, was designed to help with tasks usually done by humans. It delivered documents, promoted city activities, and provided information to residents. Made by Bear Robotics, a startup based in California, this robot was quite different from the company’s usual restaurant service robots. It had more responsibilities and could move between floors using elevators.

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Witnesses said they saw the robot circling around before it went down the stairs. This strange incident has raised a lot of questions about using robots in everyday work environments. The Gumi City Council is now examining the robot’s remains to find out what happened. They’ve paused plans for more robot integrations and are thinking about how this technology should be used in public administration.

People in local media and online forums are buzzing with theories. Some think the robot was “overworked,” similar to how people can feel overwhelmed at their jobs. Others are talking about what it means to use robots for jobs that humans usually do, especially in South Korea, which has a very high number of industrial robots.

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South Korea is a leader in using robots, with the highest number of robots compared to workers in the world. There is one industrial robot for every 10 employees, according to the International Federation of Robotics. Despite this, the Gumi City Council has said they won’t be getting another robot officer for now.

There are many ideas about why the robot fell down the stairs. Some say it might have been overworked and couldn’t handle its tasks. Others think it could have been a technical glitch, a navigation error, or a design flaw. It’s also possible that a human mistake in programming or maintenance led to the accident.

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The investigation aims to find the real cause of the incident and prevent it from happening again. Even though the robot didn’t actually “commit suicide” since it’s not a living being, this incident highlights the challenges and questions that come with integrating robots into our daily work lives.

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