Bajaj Auto has launched the world’s first petrol-CNG motorcycle, the Bajaj Freedomat Rs 95,000. The bike will be available in three variants – Drum, Drum LED (Rs 1.05 lakh) and Disc LED (Rs 1.10 lakh, all prices, ex-showroom). As for the colour palette, the Freedom will be available in a total of five colours. Bookings for the Bajaj Freedom are now open at the company’s dealerships, as well as on its website. Deliveries will commence in the states of Maharashtra and Gujarat to begin with.
Also Read: Bajaj Freedom CNG Bike Launch LIVE Updates: Price, Features, Specifications, Images
Top-of-the-line Freedom is equipped with a front disc brake; seven colour options on offer.
Bajaj Freedom 125: CNG tank construction, capacity
Central to the Bajaj Freedom is its powertrain. Bajaj has cleverly integrated a 2kg CNG cylinder under the seat of the Freedom, nestled within the bike’s trellis frame. A 2-litre auxiliary petrol tank sits just ahead of the seat. At the launch, Bajaj revealed it has conducted 11 tests on the Freedom, including impact tests and a truck-runover test, with the CNG tank emerging unharmed in all tests.
The CNG tank is nestled within the bike’s trellis frame, under the seat.
Bajaj Freedom 125 CNG: Power and performance
Power output for the 125 cc, single-cylinder engine is rated at 9.4 bhp and 9.7 Nm of torque. Top speed of the bike is 90.5 kmph when running on CNG, and 93.4 kmph when using petrol. There is a common flap for the petrol and CNG refuelling ports. Riders can switch between using CNG or petrol using a switch on the left handlebar cube.
The petrol and CNG refuelling ports are housed under a common flap.
Bajaj Freedom 125 CNG: Fuel efficiency and range
Bajaj says the Freedom, when running purely on CNG, will cover up to 102 kilometres per kilogramme of CNG. CNG-only range of the motorcycle is pegged at 200 kilometres, and in combination with the petrol tank, the Freedom will have a range of up to 330 kilometres.
When running on CNG, the Freedom will slash daily running costs by 50 per cent, lower CO2 emissions by 26 per cent and enable owners to save up to Rs 75,000 in fuel costs over 5 years, compared to a pure-petrol 125 cc motorcycle.
Negative LCD cluster incorporates Bluetooth connectivity.
Bajaj Freedom 125 CNG: Components and features
The motorcycle is equipped with a conventional telescopic fork (wearing sleeve protectors), a rear monoshock and also has a front disc brake in top-spec form, with a combined braking system offered as standard. As the Bajaj Freedom does not have a conventional fuel tank housing, Bajaj has been able to fit what it deems is the longest motorcycle seat in the world, which measures 785 mm in length. Also included is a negative LCD cluster with Bluetooth connectivity on the top-of-the-line variant.
Bajaj Freedom 125 CNG: Wheels and seat height
The Bajaj Freedom 125 rides on a 17-inch front wheel, and a 16-inch rear wheel, both sporting 120/70-section rubber (90/80- and 100/80-section on the base Drum variant). Seat height is rated at 825 mm.