Home CINEMA Vishwambhara And Bimbisara In The Same Universe?

Vishwambhara And Bimbisara In The Same Universe?

Vishwambhara And Bimbisara In The Same Universe?

Kalyan Ram’s Bimbisara emerged as a sensation with a unique concept of time travel and teleportation. The movie director Vassishta who earlier was supposed to do the prequel of Bimbisara has moved on to bagging an offer to direct Megastar Chiranjeevi.

Meanwhile, Kalyan Ram also found a director Anil Paduri to make his Bimbisara prequel and Vassishta got busy with Chiru’s Vishwambhara, also a fantasy action thriller. Amid this, the director Vassishta’s Twitter cover poster triggered many doubts all of a sudden.

The poster has the titles Bimbisara and Vishwambhara but is separated by a teleportation representation that looks like the way to bring them both into one universe. It is not known if Vassishta really meant what everyone of thinking about the ‘Cinematic universe’, but the possibility cannot be ruled out.

It has to be seen if Chiranjeevi’s Vishwambhara mentions anything about Bimbisara, Trigarthala in the movie. Until then, the suspense is on.

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