Home GADGETS Laptop fire caused American Airlines jet to be evacuated

Laptop fire caused American Airlines jet to be evacuated

Laptop fire caused American Airlines jet to be evacuated

Laptop fire caused American Airlines jet to be evacuated

A laptop fire on a passenger jet precipitated a dramatic emergency evacuation on Friday. American Airlines Flight 2045 was getting ready to fly from San Franciso to Miami when the cabin started to fill with smoke – it was coming from the rear of the plane, from a laptop bag. As the airplane was still on the tarmac, there were only three minor injuries in the rush to disembark using the airbridge and slides. However, one passenger needed to be taken for further treatment.

A statement from American Airlines, as reported by CBS News, says “the bag was quickly removed by our crew members and all customers exited the aircraft.” The airline also apologized for the inconvenience caused to its customers and thanked staff for their professional handling of the situation. You can see in the Twitter/X video embedded above that the situation was highly charged and quite terrifying for some passengers.

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