I started driving but the steering alignment had gone for a toss and the traction control and hill descent control light also popped up on the instrument cluster.
BHPian Dippy recently shared this with other enthusiasts.
So the day before was a very rainy day in Mumbai and no surprise there was water logging everywhere.
While I had no problems wading through deep water, other cars had stalled and motorcycles were lying around in the floods. One thing I learned is that even though I have a Thar, I can’t do anything with others around me breaking down.
So I took a U-turn after covering some distance and after coming out of the water I started hearing a sound and the steering became tight. I stopped the car by the side and bent down to take a look.
There was a thick log of wood stuck in the tie rod ends of the suspension. I took it out. Another lesson here is even if we can drive to water with our big SUVs, you have no idea what trash lies beneath the flood waters.
I started driving but the steering alignment had gone for a toss and the traction control and hill descent control light also popped up on the instrument cluster.
I reached work and put the car on the ramp. Turns out the log had bent the tie rod ends of the suspension.
Sent the Thar to Mahindra Modi in Thane. My SA Gaurav Dalvi was nice enough to take it in without a prior appointment that too at 4 pm in the evening. They changed both, the left and right tie rod ends and ball joints but kept the car overnight so that the alignment could be done the next day.
Pics of the tie rod ends:
This is the bent one.
Got the Thar back the next day evening with everything sorted. Filled up at the Shell pump nearby and headed home.
A big shout out to my SA Gaurav and the quick turnaround by the Mahindra Modi team.
Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.