The meeting of Telangana Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy, along with his cabinet colleagues, with collectors has commenced at Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Telangana State Secretariat in Hyderabad on July 16, 2024.
| Photo Credit: By Arrangement
Describing district collectors as ‘eyes and ears’ of Telangana Government, Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy has asked them to understand the aspirations of the people at the field level and that their every action should instil confidence that delivery of services are people centric.
Field visits are mandatory to understand people’s aspirations
The district collectors should be transparent in performing their duties and it is their responsibility to strike balance between welfare and development in reaching out the government’s schemes to the grass root levels. The Chief Minister made clear that field visits are mandatory for the district collectors to understand people’s aspirations and they should not confine themselves to the air-conditioned comforts of their offices.
Telangana Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy made clear to collectors that field visits are mandatory to understand people’s aspiration. He said this at the meeting with collectors has commenced at Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Telangana State Secretariat in Hyderabad on July 16, 2024.
| Photo Credit:
By Arrangement
The Chief Minister made these remarks inaugurating the conference of the district collectors in Hyderabad on Tuesday. He recalled that the first collectors’ conference was held on December 24 last year wherein they were directed to identify genuine beneficiaries of welfare schemes by obtaining applications through Praja Palana (people centric governance) programme. This was followed by the transfer of district collectors after the lifting of election code in a transparent manner.
Education sector should not face hurdles
“There are instances where students became emotional when their teachers were transferred. The collectors should imbibe the same spirit in performing their duties,” he said. The Government spent ₹85,000 each on poor students every month as education sector had a key role in the reconstruction of Telangana and the district collectors should take adequate care to see that the sector did not face any hurdles.
Supervise functioning of government schools and hospitals
Accordingly, they should visit government schools and hospitals and supervise their functioning besides redressing the grievances received under Praja Vani programme from time to time. It was the responsibility of the collectors to ensure transparent implementation of the six guarantees assured by the Congress Government and create confidence among the people that the Government was committed for their welfare and development.
Draw inspiration from reputed personalities like S.R. Sankaran and Sridharan
He reminded that district collectors hailed from different States and exhorted them to become part of Telangana culture for effective and efficient delivery of services to the people. The decisions taken by the district collectors should have humanitarian angle and they should draw inspiration from reputed personalities like S.R. Sankaran and Sridharan in performing their duties so that people would remember them in the years to come.