Home CINEMA Not TDP, People Feared Giving Opp Status To Jagan

Not TDP, People Feared Giving Opp Status To Jagan

Not TDP, People Feared Giving Opp Status To Jagan

Not TDP, People Feared Giving Opp Status To Jagan

YS Jagan Mohan Reddy is very desperate to get the Opposition Status which will give him a cabinet rank.

We have seen him write a letter to the Speaker demanding that he should given the Opposition Status despite not having the necessary strength in the state assembly.

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Now, Jagan posted a big message on X saying TDP fears giving him the Opposition Status.

“In the current assembly, there are only two sides: the ruling party and the opposition. Our party should be recognized as the opposition, but the government fears this. Recognizing us means giving us the right to speak in the assembly, which they want to avoid,” Jagan wrote.

Also Read – AP Assembly: YS Jagan’s First Day Frustration

Jagan should stop this desperation to get that status. It is important to note that the Opposition Status should not be begged but earned.

The constitution is clear, the party should get a minimum of 10% of the total seats (eighteen) to get the Opposition Status.

Also Read – AP Assembly: No Front-Row Seat For Jagan

Jagan did not get it and he should let go of it.

Meanwhile, people are ridiculing this message and demand of Jagan.

“Not TDP, people feared giving the Opposition Status to Jagan. This desperation and protests just a month of the new government will belittle Jagan further in the eyes of the public. He is now going to Delhi to showcase to the nation how he is desperate and begging for the Opposition Status,” people are commenting on social media.

Further, Jagan says, “I along with our party’s MLAs, MLCs, and leaders am heading to Delhi on the 24th to protest and highlight the State’s misrule, political murders, and violence. We will advocate for President’s rule in Andhra Pradesh and continue our fight along with allied parties”.

Who on earth will demand President’s rule in one month after the elections? This attitude clearly establishes that Jagan is struggling to live without power.

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