Home CINEMA Ashwin Babu: ‘Shivam Bhaje’ has unique concept

Ashwin Babu: ‘Shivam Bhaje’ has unique concept

Ashwin Babu: ‘Shivam Bhaje’ has unique concept

Ashwin Babu: ‘Shivam Bhaje’ has unique concept

“Shivam Bhaje” starring Ashwin Babu will be released on August 1st. After scoring hits like “Raju Gari Gadi” and “Hidimba,” he has a lot of movies lined up. However, “Shivam Bhaje” is an entirely distinct film for him.

“Shivam Bhaje combines spiritual themes with familial sentiments. I play a loan recovery agent. It’s a story about destiny and how to follow it. The filmmaker, Apsar, being a Muslim and making a film about Shiva Leela struck a profound chord with me,” he explained.

He says that the film’s key merits are Vikas Badisa’s music, Apsar’s plot, and  graphics.

He also disclosed that the fourth installment in the “Raju Gari Gadhi” series is in the works. “I am excited to bring more varied roles to the screen in the future. ‘Raju Gari Gadhi 4’ is also in production, with my brother Ohmkar writing the script.”

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