Home GADGETS Raspberry Pi Pico 2 developer demonstrates running Doom on RP2350-powered Def Con...

Raspberry Pi Pico 2 developer demonstrates running Doom on RP2350-powered Def Con 32 badge

Raspberry Pi Pico 2 developer demonstrates running Doom on RP2350-powered Def Con 32 badge

Raspberry Pi Pico 2 developer demonstrates running Doom on RP2350-powered Def Con 32 badge

The ultimate test of a microcontroller or SBC is whether it can run Doom. One of the designers responsible for the new Raspberry Pi RP2350 microcontroller hacked the Def Con 32 badge to show that, yes, the latest edition of the Pico can run Doom quite smoothly. Participants in the conference are encouraged to modify, customize, and hack their badges to add more functionality. Since the associated “Badge Life” program focused on gaming, software engineer Graham Sanderson got Doom running on the Def Con 32 badge.

The Raspberry Pi Foundation recently began shipping the Raspberry Pi Pico 2, which includes a new RP2350 microcontroller. That same microcontroller was also integrated into the Def Con 32 badge distributed to attendees of this year’s hacking conference in Las Vegas.

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