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Raspberry Pi 5 and external AMD GPU used to play 4K open-source kart racing game — Pineboards demos SuperTuxKart using Hat uPCIty Lite board

Raspberry Pi 5 and external AMD GPU used to play 4K open-source kart racing game — Pineboards demos SuperTuxKart using Hat uPCIty Lite board

Pineboards, maker of many hardware on top (HAT) boards for the Raspberry Pi, has shown just how far PCIe support has come in the Raspberry Pi 5. Using one of its newest HATs, Pineboards has succeeded not only in getting an AMD external GPU running on the Raspberry Pi 5, but playing a 3D open-source racing game.

Here’s the setup, which Pineboards says took about an hour to get working. It’s using a Raspberry Pi 5 — naturally — with its Hat uPCIty Lite board. The uPCIty Lite allows you to connect any PCIe card to the PCIe bus on the Raspberry Pi 5. It has a single PCIe X4 slot, but the slot is open-ended — this means you can still connect an X16 card to it.

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