Home CAR & BIKES Ola Electric Slammed for Using Hero’s Zero Motorcycle Images

Ola Electric Slammed for Using Hero’s Zero Motorcycle Images

Ola Electric Slammed for Using Hero’s Zero Motorcycle Images

Ola Electric Slammed for Using Hero’s Zero Motorcycle ImagesOla Electric Slammed for Using Hero’s Zero Motorcycle Images
Hero MotoCorp owned Zero Electric and Ola Electric

Product manager at Hero Tech Center Germany for Vida World, has claimed that Ola Electric has copied from Zero Electric Motorcycles, a division of Hero MotoCorp

Ola Electric, a prominent name in the electric vehicle (EV) industry, recently unveiled its new lineup of electric motorcycles on 15th August. However, the launch has quickly become mired in controversy, with accusations surfacing that the photoshoot images of Ola’s new motorcycles have been copied from those of Zero Electric Motorcycles, a U.S.-based company owned by Hero MotoCorp.

Hero MotoCorp owned Zero Electric and Ola ElectricHero MotoCorp owned Zero Electric and Ola Electric
Hero MotoCorp owned Zero Electric and Ola Electric

Ola Electric Copied Zero Electric?

The controversy gained traction when Abrar Bin Ayub, Product Manager at Hero Tech Center Germany for Vida World, Hero MotoCorp’s EV division, took to social media to voice his concerns. In a scathing post, Ayub accused Ola Electric of blatantly ripping off the work of Zero Motorcycles. He wrote:

Hero MotoCorp owned Zero Electric and Ola ElectricHero MotoCorp owned Zero Electric and Ola Electric
Hero MotoCorp owned Zero Electric and Ola Electric

“How sad! Folks at Ola Electric completely ripped off the work of Zero Motorcycles Inc. Beyond legal, how does one’s conscience allow this? Does the culture empower or force one to? Would really like to see accountability for this Bhavish Aggarwal.”

Hero MotoCorp owned Zero Electric and Ola ElectricHero MotoCorp owned Zero Electric and Ola Electric
Hero MotoCorp owned Zero Electric and Ola Electric

Ayub’s post quickly spread across social media, igniting discussions about ethics in the EV industry and raising questions about Ola Electric’s practices.

Hero MotoCorp owned Zero Electric and Ola ElectricHero MotoCorp owned Zero Electric and Ola Electric
Hero MotoCorp owned Zero Electric and Ola Electric

Ola Claims Of Being 4th Largest, Excluding China

Adding to the controversy, Ola Electric is also facing criticism for a claim made during the launch presentation. The company declared itself the 4th largest EV company in the world but added a small disclaimer at the bottom of the slide—”excluding China.” This statement has sparked outrage on social media, with users accusing Ola Electric of deliberately excluding China, the largest EV market, to bolster its ranking.

4th largest EV Company claim4th largest EV Company claim
4th largest EV Company claim

One post by social media user Ishan Agarwal, which garnered over 1.1 million views, sarcastically remarked, “There’s never a day that Indian companies won’t embarrass you. They removed a whole country larger than India from the chart to make OLA the ‘4th’ largest EV company.” Another user pointed out the irony, stating, “After a few slides, they announced a partnership with Lenovo, a Chinese company. I think they did it with intention.”

The backlash against Ola Electric is intensifying as both the photoshoot image allegations and the controversial sales claim continue to circulate widely online. The company’s next steps in addressing these issues will be closely watched by industry observers and consumers alike.

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