After the blockbuster ‘Baby’ in 2023, the same team announced another film with Anand Devarakonda and Vaishnavi Chaitanya in the lead, but now it looks like it is not going to happen in the near future. “Script work is underway and it will take more time to go on floors. Anand Devarakonda could be tad disappointed with the delay,” says a source. In October last, the makers also unveiled a poster, wherein Anand Deverakonda is seen consoling Vaishnavi on the shores of a sea. “They wanted a much better script that would beat ‘Baby’ which was a tragic triangular love and it is going to take more time,” he adds. ,
Director Sai Rajesh is writing the story and lyrics for this project and also produced along with his friend SKN. Ravi Namboori, a debutant will direct this film and the film is currently in pre production stage. “It was the biggest in the career of Anand Devarakonda who impressed as a self-piteous lover boy and his honest love gives him more pain and anguish and he is finally left shattered,” he points out.
Similarly, for Telugu girl Vaishnavi who proved her acting mettle with her bold role in ‘Baby’ and received huge appreciation from the likes of Allu Arjun and Ram Pothneni. “She was hoping to score another blockbuster with the ‘Baby’ team and keeping her fingers crossed,” he concludes.