Janasena chief Pawan Kalyan extended his support to TDP in Andhra Pradesh during the elections and after the victory, the parties formed a coalition government along with BJP. Pawan Kalyan has been handed the responsibility of deputy chief minister of the state and he is working closely with Chandra Babu Naidu from time to time.
Recently, Pawan Kalyan explained why Chandra Babu Naidu’s experience helps in running the administration in the state. “The state is currently in debt. Despite calling for many review meetings, we only find no funds in all the accounts. But, Chandra Babu Naidu garu is managing the situation with the experience he have. He is an expert in finance management.” said Pawan Kalyan.
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Pawan also explained that Chandra Babu, with his financial management skills made it possible to ensure the lakhs of employees get their salaries on the first of every month.
“I may have huge recognition in public but I do not have relevant experience to run the administration. Hence, if there is someone who can think better and who can work harder than me, I don’t mind following their footsteps or walking alongside with them,” said Pawan, adding that he is open to learning from him.
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“I have no hesitation in walking behind and beside those who can think better than me and work for the state better than me.”#PawanKalyan pic.twitter.com/PZ4JtfIoMk
— M9 NEWS (@M9News_) August 23, 2024