AP Human Resources Development and IT Minister Nara Lokesh has been taking personal care about the Skill Census Survey to held in Andhra Pradesh. He held an extensive review with senior officials of IT and Education Departments on Friday and took stock of the progress.
As AP Government is coming up with a customised app for Skill Census Survey, officials gave a report on its progress. During the meeting Nara Lokesh also inquired about the questionnaire to be used in Skill Survey and the care to be taken while collecting data from youth.
“Skill Census Survey should be done with proper methodology and care. Ensure that all the relevant details are collected from youth about their educational qualifications, work experience, skills. If we get appropriate information then Government itself will prepare resumes of youth and pitch them to companies,” said Education and IT Minister Nara Lokesh instructing officials.
“While youth are complaining about lack of job opportunities, companies are expressing apprehensions over lack of skilled workforce. If we can accurately collect and assess the educational profile and skill set of youth, then we can connect them with companies,” further explained Nara Lokesh, stressing how Skill Cenus Survey can bridge the gap between job seekers and companies offering opportunities.
Nara Lokesh has been very keen on Skill Census Survey and a pilot survey will be done in his own constituency Mangalagiri.
If the first-of-its-kind Skill Census Survey being taken up by AP Government succeeds, then it will be a huge achievement for the young Minister Nara Lokesh.