Home CINEMA 1,864 Schools Closed: KTR Accuses Congress Govt

1,864 Schools Closed: KTR Accuses Congress Govt

1,864 Schools Closed: KTR Accuses Congress Govt

BRS working President KTR has shared his concerns over Telangana’s school education system under the Congress government.

In an official statement through his Twitter account, KTR alleged that the Congress government has closed 1,864 schools on the grounds that there are no students. He claims that closing these schools is an attempt to keep poor and middle-class students away from public education.

KTR urges Revanth Reddy to appoint a committee to oversee the education system. He also asks the government to improve infrastructure and food quality and to hire more teachers.

KTR stated, “It is shameful for the government to close schools when it should be strengthening government schools and providing quality education for the poor and middle class.” He also mentioned that in 2024, government school admissions decreased by about 2.4 lakh compared to the previous year.

He demands that the government investigate why the number of admissions has decreased. KTR suggests that the lack of admissions is due to a shortage of teachers. He also alleges that parents are worried about sending their children to school because of concerns over cleanliness and safety at hostels and schools.

KTR also mentioned the incident of poisonous food being served at a Gurukul school. He recalled several programs undertaken by the previous BRS government to promote public education.

KTR claimed that Revanth Reddy is not interested in understanding what’s actually happening in the education system. He demanded the formation of a committee consisting of educationists and ministers to address the issue and called for measures to strengthen public education.


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