Home GADGETS Modder hacks ChatGPT, other apps onto TI-84 calculator, creates ‘The Ultimate Cheating...

Modder hacks ChatGPT, other apps onto TI-84 calculator, creates ‘The Ultimate Cheating Device’

Modder hacks ChatGPT, other apps onto TI-84 calculator, creates ‘The Ultimate Cheating Device’

Earlier this month, YouTuber ChromaLock uploaded a video showcasing his “ultimate cheating device,” which is almost indistinguishable from a TI-84 calculator. However, there are hardware modifications and an open-source suite of software modified for the TI-84 that he made, allowing the user to run ChatGPT. The software for the mod is shared on GitHub under the TI-32 repository, which is described as “A mod for the TI-84 Plus Silver Edition and TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition calculators to give them Internet access and add other features, like test mode breakout and camera support”. And yes, these features include ChatGPT functionality.

I Made The Ultimate Cheating Device – YouTube
Modder hacks ChatGPT, other apps onto TI-84 calculator, creates ‘The Ultimate Cheating Device’

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Besides software modification, the hardware needed to truly complete this “ultimate cheating device” was a microcontroller small enough to fit inside the TI-84 shell with its original components. This is because all the best TI-84 software features require you to use the link port to connect to bulky external devices, and thus would be too conspicuous otherwise. A correctly selected Wi-Fi-enabled microcontroller, in this case, the Seeed Studio XIAO-ESP32-C3, modded into the calculator with the TI-32 PCB and suite of software installed is all you really need to get up and running.

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