Legendary Hollywood filmmaker Steven Spielberg is “a big PC gamer,” according to his son Max. In a recent interview the co-founder and creative director at FuzzyBot, Max Spielberg, also said that his father passed down his passion for gaming and thus inspired his own career in the games industry.

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Max Spielberg (39) has a plethora of classic game credits to his name. His strengths appear to be in level design, and he is credited for this in well-known titles such as Goldeneye: Rogue Agent, Medal of Honor: Warfighter, Assassin’s Creed Unity, and Battlefield 1. His interest in games was inspired by his famous father, Steven (77).
According to the interview, Spielberg senior and son bonded over PC gaming sessions. The father plays on PC, and is a devotee of the PC’s signature control method – keyboard and mouse. Using game controllers just doesn’t appeal to Steven, indicated Max. Many Tom’s Hardware readers will probably nod along with the famous filmmaker’s weapons of choice, but controllers have advanced a lot over recent years.
Further interesting insight into Steven Spielberg’s PC gaming habit comes from the revelations about the titles he prefers to play. His son says that he “loves Call of Duty.” However, his main interest is in the single-player campaign within these titles. For a bit of human competition the senior Spielberg would ask his son to get the “top five shooters,” and they could play them together.
As he knew his father liked campaign modes, or story modes, of games, Max has suggested games like the Uncharted series, as “Hey it’s Indiana Jones, like you’d appreciate,” but it sounds like he hasn’t had any luck with steering his parent’s tastes. Perhaps that was before the Uncharted series made its way to PC – and embraced keyboard and mouse controls.
It seems like Steven Spielberg hasn’t sworn off using platforms beyond the PC for gaming, though. The legendary filmmaker also enjoys mobile games, according to Max. One of his favorites is Golf Clash, whatever that is, and we assume the on-screen touch controls are more to his liking than a controller would be.