Experts at King George’s Medical University (KGMU) emphasised the importance of the “A, B, C, D” approach to heart health during an event held on Saturday, a day ahead of World Heart Day. Several other hospitals and associations also conducted events to mark the occasion.

Dr Akshay Pradhan, head of cardiology at KGMU, further expounded, “A stands for avoiding alcohol, B is to control blood pressure (BP), C stands for controlling cholesterol levels and avoiding cigarettes, D stands for controlling diabetes, and E stands for exercise.” He continued, “Following A, B, C, D, and E will reduce the risk of heart disease by at least 50%.”
In a separate lecture, Dr Rishi Sethi emphasised the importance of timely treatment. He said, “Timely treatment is a key factor for speedy recovery and less damage to the heart, even in medical emergencies. Identifying the symptoms of heart ailments and seeking timely treatment should be a priority.”
The Command Hospital at Central Command also organized a patient awareness program on heart health for patients and their families. They conducted a lecture titled “Heart Disease in 2024: Myths and Realities,” along with a “Run for Fun” event to encourage physical activity and promote heart health.
Dr Nakul Sinha, chairman of cardiology at Max Super Specialty Hospital, noted, “Heart diseases, especially coronary artery disease, were once thought to primarily affect the elderly. However, this perspective has changed, as advancements in detection and diagnosis reveal that heart conditions can affect individuals of all ages, including adolescents and young adults.” Max Super Specialty Hospital celebrated World Heart Day with a ‘Heart Health Fair’ that offered engaging activities centered on cardiac care, alongside lectures by experts on rising cardiac issues.
Various events marked World Heart Day at different hospitals in the state capital. At Medanta Super Specialty Hospital, a Heart Health and CPR workshop was conducted, focusing on school students to serve as heart ambassadors.