Home CAR & BIKES Building my very own jungle home; Documented the entire journey!

Building my very own jungle home; Documented the entire journey!

Building my very own jungle home; Documented the entire journey!

I also had my first lonely experience in tiger territory.

BHPian drbones recently shared this with other enthusiasts:

My first visit to Tipeshwar wild life sanctuary was during march 2018. Fell in love with it, because of it topography, wildlife(tiger population), less known( less tourists)and its location on NH44. kept visiting the Tipeshwar when ever possible, only to discover that a new entry gate (kodori gate) is open, this was during December 2022. I had no idea about this side of the forest. I am the only person to enter the forest from this gate on my first visit through kodori gate, just loved this side of the forest, as its still raw. Best part of it is, last 3.5kms does not have any tarmac, only a forest trail to reach the forest entry gate.

Building my very own jungle home; Documented the entire journey!

Kodori village is a small sleepy village on the border of Maharastra and Telangana, on the bank of penaganga river. Old traditions of farming, and way of living in sync with nature is still practiced.

After I finished my safari and came out of the forest gate, my eye caught a farm land adjacent to the forest entry gate, asked the forest guard about the land and its details, exchanged phone number with him, and requested him to find out with owner if he is interested to sell his land. After this discussion I left the place, and went back to my daily chores.

Called the forest guard after a week to get update on the land. To my surprise the land owner is willing to sell the land, Its a 12 acer private agricultural land adjacent to the wildlife sanctuary.

After a couple of months visited the place and started the process of getting the documents checked (one need to be very careful about adivasi land). A good friend of mine gave the job to trusted land dealer of the area, and with in a couple of months got the land registered.

After the legal procedures are done, its time to plan my jungle home. As there is no electricity, or even the basic facilities. So the task is going to be tough, and I am prepared for it.

First thing is to have shelter above the head to protect myself from the elements of nature. So got a Tent, couple of chairs and camping bed, pitched it on the farm.

Cool night under the stars and moon, and not a soul in sight was my dream turning to reality, and it started to play in front of my eyes. lit up a small fire to keep wild animals away. Slowly slipped away in to my dream. Woke up after some time to find out its 2am, checked the surroundings, and the fire still burning, but very low. Heard a group of foxes howling, and I felt a chill down my spine for no reason. Jumped in to my mux, flattened the 2nd and 3rd row of seats slightly rolled down the window glass, locked the doors and went to sleep. Was not able to get a nap after that, Nightjar calls kept me awake, only to hear other animal calls that night. That was my first lonely experience in a tiger territory. It was a bit scary, but treasured every moment of it.

First light of dawn hitting the forest, i came out of the car. Took a deep breath of crisp forest air, and its aroma tickling my senses…. can’t describe this feeling.

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Started to walk the boundary of the farm. Cool breeze tickling my senses, I felt, boy this is the place I want to be. The farm owned me for the rest of my life.

After walking around 300 Mts from my vehicle, I noticed something just outside the fence, near the Nala, fresh pug marks, sudden Goosebumps were all over my body. (This is the place for me, the farm owns me, suddenly felt nonsense, and everything vanished from my mind) Looked around , slowly started walking backwards till my vehicle. Its not easy to walk backwards when you are scared to the core, may be I walked backwards for some 50mts, after that I ran to my car. FFF hormone (fright, flight, fight) in my body would have been the highest in my life. Started my mux and went to the resort I booked. left the tent, bed, chairs there.

That afternoon gathered some courage, and started my car. With lot of apprehension, drove towards the farm, nearly about a km away from the farm, saw a small shack, went near to find an old man near it. Started a conversation with him and requested him if he can accompany me to my farm, he was glad to do me that favour. On the way I asked him about tiger movement in that area, he revealed that a tiger made a kill 3 days back about 400mts from the boundary of my farm towards the small hillock. Did not reveal my early morning experience to him, he helped me pack my tent and other stuff. Loaded the car thanked the old man, gave him some money and I left.

Went back home and started to put my dreams on the paper

A dear friend of mine Mr Bhupesh helped me in creating my derams and toughts in to reality. He is an art director for many super hit south movies

Dr bones jungle home scale model. Bhupesh surprised me one day by creating these scale models for me. The best gift I ever had.

I fell In love with windmills after seeing them in remote parts of Namibia used to pump underground water.

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Continue reading BHPian drbones’ jungle home journey for more insights and information.

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