Just a day after a hoax bomb threat was made against an IndiGo flight on the Hyderabad-Visakhapatnam-Mumbai route, two more Visakhapatnam-bound IndiGo flights faced similar threats on 29 October 2024. The airline’s Station Manager was alerted to the threat by the regional security head, who noticed a post on X (formerly Twitter) from a user named ‘AdamLanza202’ warning of explosives on board.
The flights targeted by the threat were en route to Visakhapatnam from Chennai (6E917) and Bengaluru (6E969). The warning post, made at 5:36 pm, raised alarms about explosives on the planes.
At the time of the threat, the Chennai-Visakhapatnam flight had departed at 4:39 pm, and the Bengaluru flight at 4:12 pm. Security personnel conducted a thorough inspection and found no suspicious items, subsequently clearing both flights for return.
Following security clearance, the flights departed back to Chennai and Bengaluru, landing at 5:50 pm and 6:25 pm, respectively. The Chennai flight was delayed by 2 hours and 10 minutes, while the Bengaluru flight arrived 1 hour and 35 minutes behind schedule.
According to reports, over 510 domestic and international flights have received hoax bomb threats in the last 16 days. On 30 October itself, more than 100 bomb threats were reported.
Read also- After Visakhapatnam-Delhi flight’s bomb scare, 250+ Indian flights face threats
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