A resident of Bengaluru recounted a distressing encounter when his car was reportedly attacked by a group of men on a busy street in the Kudlu area of the city. Deven Mehta took to X (formerly Twitter) to share videos and images from the incident, depicting the attackers shouting abuses and threatening the passengers inside his vehicle.
According to Mehta, the assailants smashed the car windows, hurled stones, and intimidated him and his passengers, which included a woman. Shockingly, a traffic police officer was allegedly present at the scene but did not intervene during the attack.
In response to Mehta’s alarming post, the Bengaluru police requested additional details and urged him to provide his contact information via direct message. However, Mehta declined, citing safety concerns. He stated, “I have shared it here so that more people remain vigilant and careful on the streets until we have better police and safety services.” His video has since attracted significant attention, garnering 42,000 views along with hundreds of likes and shares.
Public Outcry and Distrust in Police
Following Mehta’s account, many users on X expressed their frustration over the police’s credibility and the growing perception of lawlessness in the city. One user criticized the police, stating, “The police have no credibility nowadays; most live off hafta collections and leak people’s information to the culprits. Why would anyone feel safe sharing details with them?” Another user urged the community not to allow Bengaluru to devolve into a lawless environment, highlighting that such incidents are becoming commonplace.
Citizens also voiced their concerns regarding the police’s capability to manage crime effectively in Bengaluru. One commenter questioned, “It seems to be happening all over Bengaluru. Don’t you have enough machinery to catch these thugs?” This sentiment reflects an escalating sense of insecurity among residents.
Similar Incidents Raise Alarm
In a related incident, a family was attacked by a group of miscreants in the Kasavanahalli area of Bengaluru just days prior. According to the victim, the attackers threw stones at their car after it failed to stop as per their demands, resulting in injuries to a child inside the vehicle. The child was subsequently rushed to the hospital for treatment.
The victim, Anoop, shared a video of the attack on social media, stating, “Rowdies attacked my car near Amrutha College, Kasavanahalli. They threw a stone at my car, and my child is hospitalized.”
These incidents have intensified discussions about public safety in Bengaluru, calling into question the effectiveness of law enforcement and the urgent need for improved security measures.