Kasthuri Shankar, often known as Kasturi, ignited controversy with a vehement speech criticizing Telugu people living in Tamil Nadu, alleging that they arrived in her state to serve women in palaces. She asserted that the Telugus living in Tamil Nadu bear a resemblance to subservient workers.
The Telugu community reacted strongly to her remarks. Kasthuri Shankar, a BJP member, faced censure from her own party.
Kasthuri appeared in numerous Telugu films, including “Nippu Ravva,” “Annamayya,” “Rathayatra,” and “Chilakkottudu.” She attained fame and money from Telugu cinema. Still, she made disparaging remarks about the Telugu community.
After controversy, she announced she never intended to hurt the entire Telugu community but those who are claiming to be real Tamil people. She also stated that she is retracting her previous comments.

“I have received many threats and attacks in the last two days. They only hardened my resolve. However, today a most respected telugu brother of mine patiently explained the ramifications of my choice of words on the entire telugu populace of TamilNadu and beyond.
I am a true nationalist with immense pride in the unity and diversity of my Bharatmata. I have always lived above caste and regional differences. I am lucky to have a special connection to Telugu. I grew up admiring the glorious days of the nayakkar kings, Kattabommu nayaka and singing tyagarajakritis. I cherish my movie career in Telugu.Telugu people have given me name, fame, love and a family.
I reiterate that my expressed opinions are contextually specific to certain persons and not general to the greater Telugu community.
It was never my intention to hurt or offend my telugu extended family. I am sorry for any inadvertent ill feeling. In the interest of all round amity, I withdraw all references to telugu in my speech delivered on 3rd november 2024.
This controversy has diverted focus from the more important points I raised in that speech. I ask the Telugu brethren of TamilNadu to rally behind Tamil Nadu’s Brahmins in their fight for dignity.
Jai Hind.
Nov 5th 2024″